Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Keep it down, I'm watching my program

We read somewhere that dogs tend to take on the personality of their owners. Which has proven to be true so far, because Oscar loves to chew on a stinky old cow hoof, just like Karen, and he also likes to poop on the floor, just like me.

But what about our other great hobby, the bond that holds us together--TV?

Well, Oscar's down, as you can see. But what's his favorite show?

Veronica Mars, obvs.

Just put me in the overhead bin

For reasons unbeknownst to us, Oscar is obsessed with the little black suitcase we usually use whenever one of goes on a weekend trip. Witness:

Oscar Hungers...Oscar LIVES!!!!

Okay, back by popular demand after a long hiatus. I keep hearing from people saying "Put up more pictures!" I've noticed that they never say, "Put up more words with the pictures!" I can read between the lines. Time to give the people what they want:

All Oscar, all the time.

He's older, he's jowlier, and yet he remains as ruthlessly cute as ever. But don't be drawn in by the cute cuddly facade. In 5 years time, we'll all be working for him...or dead by his paws.