Sunday, April 29, 2007
In a Glass Case of Emotions
Oscar is definitely keeping our schedules a bit...out of the ordinary. Karen and I, we're pretty boring. We don't like to get up at 3 in the morning and go out to party, but there are a lot of nights when that's the exact schedule Oscar is on. And let's not talk about the little gift Oscar creates for us every single morning at 6:30, on the dot, like clockwork. I know that a lot of people reading this blog get up at 6:30 normally and thus have no sympathy, but I don't get up at 6:30 and so it's real early for me. Parenthood, man, it's rough.
Anyways, I give you:
The Many Moods of Oscar: A Selection
Here we see Oscar in an earnest, thoughtful moment. Meticulously chewing on a toy, an activity he engages in when he can't find fingers or electrical cords to gnaw on or weird things to lick. (Does the dishwasher inexplicably taste really good? If not, then why does he always go and lick it? What about that one spot on the wall in the bedroom? My sandals? The handle on the drawer of the entertainment center?)
In this shot we find the ferocious young French bulldog on the attack. Or defense. I'm not exactly sure what he intends by this move, actually. What he does is, he puts his head really low to the ground with his front paws out ahead of him, and he sticks his butt way up in the air. Then he sort of fakes like he's lunging forward, but instead he jumps backwards, swatting a paw vaguely in the direction he's looking. So he looks like he's very ferocious, but in fact he's moving backward. Maybe intentionally, maybe not. I saw him challenge a suitcase in the bedroom earlier today, and the showdown ended when he bumped into the far wall behind him, a good 5-6 feet away from where he started his stare-down. After that he sort of came to his senses and walked away, but he really gave that suitcase a wary look as he walked out--"Yeah, suitcase, it's a good thing for you that wall got in the way. I think you know how it was going to end if you and I had to throw down. I think you KNOW."
This is a picture of sad, remorseful Oscar. It's how he looks when he's done something bad.
HA! Just kidding. Oscar is a remorseless eating and pooping machine. He never feels bad about anything at all, ever. We're doing this whole "Power of Positive Dog Training" thing where all the training is based on praising and rewarding him when he does good things, but not doing anything when he does bad things because he doesn't understand when we say stuff like "No!" and "Bad dog!" and it only gets him all excited and confused. I'm not sure how he understands positive reinforcement and not negative reinforcement, but that's why I've never written any award-winning books about dog training but some other much smarter people have.
Anyways, the upshot is that when he does something good, like go to the bathroom on his papers, we get really excited and we praise him and give him a treat. And when he takes a dump behind the leather chair in the living room, we...just totally play it cool and act like nothing happened. It's a world without sin for that little guy. And somewhere out there, Bill Bennett is feverishly working on his own dog-training manual to combat all this liberal namby-pamby moral doggie relativism.
Last we have a bit of Oscar sleeping in what Karen calls the "puppy or chicken?" pose. I actually had to crop the photo down a bit, because his back legs are just flopped down and Oscar' all just out there, for the world to see. He's not modest. At all. Like I said, it's a world without sin for Oscar. No fig leaf for that little dude in his Garden of Eden. And he really has nothing to worry about, because unlike Adam, Oscar has a wildly over-protective Karen out there to obsess over every bit of food he eats and keep him away from "people food" like forbidden apples. Dude is golden.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Oscar's First Bath
That's probably much more information than you wanted, but here's the reality with puppies. Our lives pretty well revolve around a puppy's bathroom schedule now.
Anyways, if you can ignore the reason why he's in the bath, the pics are pretty amusing. Oscar was not a big fan of taking a bath. He was very confused.
He'd just kind of play it cool for a while, and then all of a sudden he'd make a break for it:
I have no idea how a 6-lb. puppy can require two people to hold him down for something like this, but there you go.
Oscar and Hubert = BFF
Enter Hubert.
Hubert is...we're not really sure. He's vaguely rhino-esque, because of that little horn on his nose. But otherwise, we're not really sure. He has googly eyes and he squeaks when you squeeze his belly, which makes me think he might be descended from Muppets. Anyways, he and Oscar have become fast friends.
Whenever Oscar goes into his crate, he has to take a bit of time to sort out Hubert, find a good spot for him. Oscar can pick Hubert up, but when he wants to take a nap in the crate, he never takes Hubert out. If Hubert's missing from the crate, Oscar seems to get a bit confused. I guess it's just that Oscar thinks Hubert is pretty comfy to have around:
Last night Oscar started bringing Hubert out from the bedroom to the living room, which was pretty entertaining--seeing as Hubert is bigger than Oscar, it takes a little maneuvering. All that work was pretty tough on Oscar, so as soon as he got Hubert out to the living room, he just pulled the rhino Muppet up on the living room bed...and went back to sleep.
Anyways, it's nice that Oscar has someone to keep him company.
ps How do you keep a rhino from charging? Take away his credit cards! I don't know if that works on rhino Muppets, though, but I'd assume it does. It's worth a shot.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
The Oscar Has Landed
Look at that face! You could not say no to that puppy, it's just not possible. And ultimately probably not a big deal, since he really hasn't grasped what the word "no" means. Or any other words, really. We keep calling him "Oscar" and hopefully that's starting to get through to him, but so far not so much.
With Karen, on the other hand, he's just a little mama's boy. Much more relaxed and cuddly. If she's walking around, he'll follow behind her just to check out what she's doing. And he'll curl up in her lap whenever she sits down. He's much more mellow with her.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
The Oscar Comes Home Mixes
I actually finished these. I always feel a little weird about throwing a mix together really quickly, but sometimes they work out. And sometimes they don't. The mix, she is an elusive and perplexing mistress.
Anyways, I figured that the drive is long enough and I had enough songs that I could do a two-disc mix. I tried to break them up roughly so that disc one has a fairly consistent tone, mostly (but not all) jangly indie rock. Disc two, pretty much everything else. Some poppier stuff, some more rock stuff, some techno stuff. Kind of a catch all. Those mixes are usually pretty rough, so we'll see if it holds together. Fingers crossed.
Oscar Comes Home:
1. Camera Obscura: Let's Get Out of this Country
2. Albert Hammond Jr.: 101
3. Voxtrot: Rise Up in the Dirt
4. Jens Lekman: Sweet Summer's Night on Hammer Hill
5. Jenny Lewis & the Watson Twins: Rise Up with Fists!!!
6. Cat Power: Could We
7. Papercuts: Unavailable
8. The Changes: On a String
9. Band of Horses: I Go to the Barn Because I Like The
10. Grand Archives: Sleepdriving
11. Idlewild: American English
12. The Twilight Sad: Cold Days from the Birdhouse
13. Bloc Party: I Still Remember
14. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah: Mama, Won't You Keep Those Castles in the Air + Burning?
15. The Hold Steady: Citrus
16. Jose Gonzalez: Heartbeats
17. Arcade Fire: Intervention
18. Bishop Allen: Little Black Ache
19. Galaxie 500: Parking Lot
20. Sister Vanilla: Delicat
21. The Broken West: Down in the Valley
Oscar Comes Home 2: Oscar Becomes Eclectic
1. Matt & Kim: Silver Tiles
2. Asobi Seksu: And Then He Kissed Me
3. Cheeseburger: Do You Remember?
4. The Thermals: Here's Your Future
5. Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich: Hold Tight
6. Architecture in Helsinki: Wishbone
7. Bloc Party: Positive Tension (The Go! Team Remix)
8. Teddybears: Yours to Keep (feat. Neneh Cherry)
9. DJ Shadow: You Made It
(ed. note: it's so weird that Oscar's introduction to DJ Shadow is going to be "You Made It." I'll get him back to the classic stuff asap, starting with Endtroducing. There's so much he needs to learn about. DJ Shadow, early Massive Attack, post punk, shoegaze... Being a parent is a lot of responsibility. Serious.)
10. Lily Allen: LDN
11. Of Montreal: Wraith Pinned to the Mist
12. New Order: Temptation (Secret Machines Remix)
13. LCD Soundsystem: All My Friends
14. Gui Boratto: Beautiful Life
15. International Pony: Solid Gold (International Version)
16. Peter, Bjorn & John: Young Folks (Beyond the Wizard's Sleeve Remix)
17. TV on the Radio: Province
18. Panda Bear: Bros. (Edit)
So...yeah. That's a whole big list of songs and you can listen to it if you'd like. And you have all those songs, or a bit of credit on iTunes. Or if you want, it might could be arranged for someone to make a copy for you.
I'll test these out tomorrow and see how they go. I hope that Oscar likes them.
UPDATE: They came out pretty well, I think. Not my best work, but I'm so obsessive now about doing "proper" mixes that I hardly ever complete anything besides these quick little jobs, and these were both good enough for what they were. The first mix, I felt initially like the songs all held together well and fit together nicely...and then I realized, they all fit together a little too nicely. Listening to the mix, they're a bit too consistent. Not similar sounding, exactly, but a similar tone and vibe. Which was by design, but still. The second mix I expected to be too eclectic and not to sound good together at all, but actually it wasn't so bad. I mean, across the board it's a mess, starting off with an energetic rock section, then some sugary pop, then techno and on to some hazy, dreamy stuff at the end. But the transitions weren't too jarring and there seemed to be something new and different coming in each section. There must be a lesson in here somewhere, but I'm too tired to spell it out just now.
Friday, April 20, 2007
T Minus One Night And Counting
Anyways, Karen is responding to the pressure by folding and refolding all of the clothes in her dresser. Oh, and watching the Lake House on TV. Keanu has a strangely calming effect on her. I, on the other hand, just watched the Red Sox come back to beat the Yankees in the bottom of the 8th, overcoming 2 Alex Rodriguez homeruns, so I'm pretty well jazzed up. I think I'm going to make a mix disc in honor of Oscar's impending arrival, and I'll post the contents in a bit. Or not. This is the sort of project where I usually lose interest about halfway through.
If you haven't guessed by all the pointless blather (pointless blather? on a blog? shocking!), this is mostly a test post to see how this whole blogspot thing works. Seeing as this blog is nominally about our new French bulldog puppy Oscar, I thought I'd get 'er started off with some good pics of Oscar and his brothers and sister. Oscar is one of the cream-colored puppies, although we won't know which one until tomorrow. The black (aka brindle) one is his sister. Word is that she's the tough one of the bunch.
So melancholy, the introspective little puppy.
I like the little black puppy in the back. She's like that one guy in every picture ever taken in a bar, where no one is focusing on the camera except for one random dude in the back who's looking right at it. She's just a backwards baseball cap and a tallboy of Miller Lite from being that guy.
Lined up perfectly. Right after this picture was taken they started walking forward shoulder to shoulder in slow motion. It was the most adorable pimp walk ever.
PUPPY STAMPEDE 2!!! Just off camera to the right is that little Chuckwagon, blazing trails all over the kitchen.