That's probably much more information than you wanted, but here's the reality with puppies. Our lives pretty well revolve around a puppy's bathroom schedule now.
Anyways, if you can ignore the reason why he's in the bath, the pics are pretty amusing. Oscar was not a big fan of taking a bath. He was very confused.
He'd just kind of play it cool for a while, and then all of a sudden he'd make a break for it:
I have no idea how a 6-lb. puppy can require two people to hold him down for something like this, but there you go.
I heart Oscar!! I cannot wait to meet him in DC this weekend! I wish i was bringing snoop-dizzle so they could be BFF 4 eva!
I highly recommend getting one of those hollow rubber toys, putting peanut butter in it, then put in the freezer. That way, Oscar can have at the peanut butter, but b/c it's frozen, it won't get all over your floor, rug, bed, etc.
woo hoo!
I agree with Robyn... Oscar is ADORABLE. I want to steal him (but I won't, only because Bella might get jealous... seriously, that's the only reason). I don't know if I'll actually get to meet him this weekend, due to wedding stuff, but I can't wait until I finally do. On a side note... cannot wait to see you guys on Saturday. Regulate! :)
PS. Loving Hubert.
PPS. The crawling under the coffee table thing? Right up Bella's alley - she crawls under everything. She and Oscar would get along well.
PPPS. We need a puppy regulator club! They could have yearly reunions and be BFFs.
PPPPS. So totally going to stop writing now. See you guys on Saturday! :)
Damn you people and all your cute puppies.
You think you're sooooooo cool.
(weeping softly in the dark)
(holding suffed bulldog)
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