Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Oscar's First Bath

It became necessary to give Oscar a bath. It seems that he's a bit cavalier about going to the bathroom, and he doesn't mind playing around in the same area where he's just...made. I guess that shows sort of a refreshing joie de vivre and a lack of hangups, but we're really hoping he learns soon that maybe he should go to the bathroom and then just clear the area.

That's probably much more information than you wanted, but here's the reality with puppies. Our lives pretty well revolve around a puppy's bathroom schedule now.

Anyways, if you can ignore the reason why he's in the bath, the pics are pretty amusing. Oscar was not a big fan of taking a bath. He was very confused.

He'd just kind of play it cool for a while, and then all of a sudden he'd make a break for it:

I have no idea how a 6-lb. puppy can require two people to hold him down for something like this, but there you go.



Unknown said...

I heart Oscar!! I cannot wait to meet him in DC this weekend! I wish i was bringing snoop-dizzle so they could be BFF 4 eva!

I highly recommend getting one of those hollow rubber toys, putting peanut butter in it, then put in the freezer. That way, Oscar can have at the peanut butter, but b/c it's frozen, it won't get all over your floor, rug, bed, etc.

woo hoo!

so blond said...

I agree with Robyn... Oscar is ADORABLE. I want to steal him (but I won't, only because Bella might get jealous... seriously, that's the only reason). I don't know if I'll actually get to meet him this weekend, due to wedding stuff, but I can't wait until I finally do. On a side note... cannot wait to see you guys on Saturday. Regulate! :)

PS. Loving Hubert.

PPS. The crawling under the coffee table thing? Right up Bella's alley - she crawls under everything. She and Oscar would get along well.

PPPS. We need a puppy regulator club! They could have yearly reunions and be BFFs.

PPPPS. So totally going to stop writing now. See you guys on Saturday! :)

Ku said...

Damn you people and all your cute puppies.

You think you're sooooooo cool.

(weeping softly in the dark)

(holding suffed bulldog)